Mikro e.V. Verein zur Förderung von Medienkulturen in Berlin 
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mikro.lounge #29
Digitale Diaspora

am Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2000
im WMF, Ziegelstr. 23, Berlin-Mitte 





Nils Zurawski, Virtuelle Ethnizität: Studien zu Identität, Kultur und Internet,
Frankfurt: Lang 2000 (div. Kap. online)

Aktion Noteingang http://www.djb-ev.de/noteingang/inhalt.htm

Comité pour l'Annulation de la Dette du Tiers Monde 

In a Twilight World 
Undocumented Migrants in the United Kingdom by Philip Anderson 

Kein Mensch ist illegal

Eine Website über die Sans-papiers
in deutscher Sprache

Die Leitkultur kritisch diskutiert... 

... und in offizieller Naumannscher Aktion:
Das Deutsche Kulturportal 
(Der Source-Code der Webseite sagt: "[ Der Eingang zur deutschen Leitkultur ]")

Frank Krämer, Die Bedeutung des Internet für das Empowerment von NGOs in sog. Entwicklungsländern. Das Beispiel Brasilien, Diplomarbeit von am Zentrum für Entwicklungsländerforschung (ZELF), Geographisches Institut der FU Berlin

Asean und Internet



Ingo Günther, Refugee Republic

Ingo Günther's World Processor: Refugee Populations (1991)
Refugee Currents

Migrations-Links von Nadeshda, Informations- und Kommunikationsmedien für Politik, Umwelt und Kultur e.V.

Documentation on South Asian diaspora in the U. S.
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 13:58:27 -0500
started an interesting thread on history & usage of the term "diaspora"

Axial Writing 
Transnational Literary/Media Cultures and Cultural Policy
An Interdisciplinary Research Project
Duration: October 1998 - September 2001
     in the framework of Transnational Communities
     An Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Research Programme based at the University of Oxford
Recent Conference: 
Writing Diasporas (20-23 September 2000) 
Postmigrant Turkish-German Culture: Transnationalism, Translation, Politics of Representation
(Swansea, Wales, 27-29 November 1998)

Authors, filmmakers, and other cultural producers whose work speaks of and to transnational communities are increasingly prominent. 'Axes' are lines of communication, trade and travel which connect pairs of significant sites within the multicentred networks of transnational communities: e.g. London-Delhi, or Berlin-Istanbul. 'Axial writing' thematises past and present traffic along axes; it also forms part of that traffic itself.

This comparative project investigates domestic and diaspora Indian, Turkish, Caribbean and Irish axial writing: new and recent work in literature, performance, and film. It examines its production, promotion, public reception, and institutional uses, especially in cultural policy, in Britain and in Germany. The project also examines the reception and uses of diaspora culture in India, Turkey, Ireland and Jamaica; and it investigates the development of diaspora networks of transnational cultural production and consumption, which may remain largely invisible in national public spheres at one or both ends of the axis.

How do axial writers negotiate with public and private sector institutional policies, and the demands of disparate audiences, in pursuing their cultural political agendas in two or more countries? How do the asymmetric patterns of transnational cultural traffic affect the ways in which transnational communities are represented both to themselves and others? To what degree does axial writing reflect, anticipate, or even shape diaspora cultural change? How effectively does it challenge dominant conceptions of national cultures from diaspora positions?

The project involves collaboration between specialists in several disciplines and regions. Cultural traffic on the selected axes will be surveyed on the basis of existing literature and interviews with prominent axial writers, and with other persons who function as 'nodes' linking national and transnational cultural networks (agents, publishers, media producers, gatekeepers to funding opportunities, etc.).

Digital Diaspora Countries
Charlie Jackson, TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION, TRANSFER, AND COMMERCIALIZATION: NEED FOR A NONLINEAR APPROACH, Presented to: 3rd Annual International Conference on Technology Policy & Innovation - Austin, Texas 1999
5.5 Digital Diaspora Countries that are rich in human resources, such as India, Pakistan, and Israel, but perhaps not advantageously located to economic markets appear to follow a neural net model through establishment of virtual communities or "digital diaspora." Roche (1996) describes how India is quickly moving into the ranks of world-class technologies through heavy investments in education and human infrastructure. Cooper (1997) also illustrates the growing importance of education in people-rich countries. A significant portion of the populations related to many of these countries resides around the globe yet keeps well connected through the use of both formal and informal connections much as predicted in the communications approach. This nonlinear approach has been successful in developing multi-way technology transfer and has aiding both the "home" and "host" countries and can be seen as a method of policy in observations on Israel by Don (1996). ...

African Digital Diaspora Database
To create an African digital book of experts to enable African intellectuals abroad to more effectively contribute to development in
Africa. This project is in collaboration with the Diaspora Focus Group within the African Development Forum of the United Nations
Economic Commission for Africa.

African  Digital  Diaspora
Economic Commission for Africa, African Development Forum '99 Discussion List
The discussion  on  the role   of the African Diaspora in accelerating Africa's movement into the Information
Age ran from 13 to 19 September 1999  and  was  opened  with  the moderator's brief definition of the
African  Digital  Diaspora -Africans now living in developed countries who by education and work experience
have acquired skills (and perhaps capital or ready access thereto) that could be helpful in accelerating
Africa's movement into the Information Age.
Categories of the African Digital Diaspora
A participant  categorised the  African  Digital  Diaspora into three groups: (i) people of African descent
residing outside Africa but with few  or  no  direct  links  to   the continent;  (ii) people of African descent
living  outside   but with regular contacts with the continent and (iii) the Africanist community.

Columbia University - Area Studies  AFRICAN STUDIES

The Digital Diaspora
on-line forum for discussion of all topics related to being Jewish
by the Federation Canadian Jewish Association

Charles Ian, The Digital Diaspora, in: GSpot Magazine #18
Rather than the empowering tool that will one day bring wired democracy to
everyone, the communications revolution could easily end up segregating
society into two new classes: the information-rich and the
information-poor, a segregation neatly erected along the lines of the old
class and race barriers . . . Digital Diaspora is here to make sure that
doesn't happen. ...
     "Digital Diaspora means to link disenfranchised groups, digitally,
using the latest technology, throughout the Net whether they are in
the States, Caribbean or Africa. The word diaspora means to scatter
and we want to link and work with a multitude of different cultures
via the phone line and their computers. This, I believe, is a
positive effect of the organisation but it would be negative to say
we are only a black group. There is too much activity and rewards
to ignore groups who are considered 'people of colour'." ...

digital diaspora: a network of artists, musicians, and writers dedicated to fusing urban culture with new media.

Commemorating the launch of "urban America's answer to MTV", New York-based
new media company Virtual Melanin Inc. links up with its British corporate
cousins Digital Diaspora for DIGITAL SLAM 2 - a three day online music
festival spanning from London and Cape Town, South Africa to San Francisco
and New York September 21-23rd [1997] on the World Wide Web.
     Pioneered by Digital Diaspora founder Marc Boothe, the event kicks off from
London-based nightclub Dingwalls and features performances by Living Colour
guitarist Vernon Reid and video artist Darryl Hell in New York. The London
component showcases spoken word artists The Blank States, Anthony Joseph,
T-Kalla and Sonia Sohn. Other performers include A Guy Called Gerald and
MIDI saxophonist Steve Williamson.
     Fusing elements of drum 'n' bass, hip-hop, jungle, ambient dub and African
beats to create abstract soundscapes, Digital Diaspora will be
collaborating with leading DJ's and musicians to take 'live' multi-media
performance to a new level. The global gig will be link via ISDN lines
carrying video and audio signals to explore the 'cut and mix' of
contemporary urban culture and on-line collaborations by artists at the
edge of leading multi-media technology performing simultaneously between
the four major cities. ...
Marc Boothe
Digital Diaspora
tel: +44 171 274 2121
fax: +44 171 274 2222

James Flint, The Plug 'n' Play Club, in: Metamute, Issue 9
Although not involved in the Hyperjam
             event, one of the people most responsible
             for hacking this combination of performance
             and technology into a form malleable enough
             to be effective as a format is Marc Boothe.
             Marc's organisation Digital Diaspora has
             been putting on link-ups for over two
             years, from a New York ­ London call and
             response link-up featuring Tony Remy, Cut
             Master Swift and D.J. Spooky at the ICA in
             April 1995 to two nights at this year's
             Camden Mix, in which Afrika Bambaataa, LTJ
             Bukem and A Guy called Gerald were all

Can South Asia catch up in the Internet race? 
First South Asia Internet Workshop Recommends Rural Infrastructure, Content Initiatives 
by Madanmohan Rao (madanr@planetasia.com), posted to Nettime, 28 Apr 1999

SANJAYA BARU, Dotcom Diaspor. Worldwide Web of Overseas Indians, in: Times of India, 28.4.2000
IF Silicon Valley smells of curry, the Hotmail directory
reads like an Indian epic. Just look at the names of all those
account holders and the dotcomers. No single community
has perhaps networked as much through the web as has the
Indian diaspora. If British colonialism helped spread Indians
worldwide, the English language is today helping re-connect
communities through the Net. For thousands of urban
middle class Indians, the Internet is a family get-together.

Diaspora Column in People and Places, Digital Hindustan Times

When the Virtual Becomes the Real. A Talk with Benedict Anderson
in: NIRA REVIEW, Spring 1996. (The National Institute for Research Advancement (NIRA) is a Japanese government affiliated think tank)
On a recent trip to Tokyo, community visionary and Cornell professor
Benedict Anderson, author of the widely acclaimed Imagined
Communities, talked with NR editor Eric Gower about communities in

MoneyNations 2 - für Menschen unterwegs in Europa
20. Oktober – 11. November 2000
mn.Kongress | mn.expo | mn.FM

Diese Konstruktion der "Anderen" ist nicht stabil, sondern ist immer wieder wechselnden gesellschaftlichen
        und kulturellen Verhandlungen sowie Repräsentationsmustern unterworfen. Nicht zuletzt im Bereich der
        kulturellen Produktion sowie der Kunst erhalten Prozesse des Aus- und Einschlusses Sichtbarkeit; zugleich
        ist hier auch das Feld der gemeinschaftlichen Kontakte und Kooperationen. Insbesondere die net.art war ein
        verbindender Faktor für KünstlerInnen aus Ost- und Westeuropa.

Diaspora: a journal of  transnational studies
University of Toronto Press, ISSN: 1044-2057
Diaspora is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the history, culture, social structure, politics and economics of both the traditional diasporas – Armenian, Greek, and Jewish – and those transnational dispersions which in the past three decades have chosen to identify themselves as ‘diasporas.’ These encompass groups ranging from the African-American to the Ukrainian-Canadian, from the Caribbean-British to the new East and South Asian diasporas.

Kai-Uwe Hellmann, Marginalisierung und Mobilisierung. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Emergenz und Mobilisierung von Marginalisierten, Institut für Soziologie, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, o.J.


William Safran, Ramón Maíz (eds.), Identity and territorial autonomy in plural societies, London, Portland, oder: Frank Cass, 2000

Cooper, D. (1997), "The Future of Work in the Digital Diaspora: Economic Restructuring and Education", Journal of Organization Change Management, 10, 139.

Don, Y. (1996), "Jews in Diaspora and Israel; Dynamics of Economic Relations", in The Macro Senarios; Israel and the Jewish People, Master Plan for Israel in the 21st Century, 225-256.

Jan Engelmann/ Michael Wiedemeyer (Hg): Kursbuch Arbeit. Aussteig aus der Jobholder-Gesellschaft – Start in eine neue Tätigkeitskultur? DVA, Stuttgart, München, 2000

Martin Greve: Türken in Berlin. Mit Beiträgen von Tülay Cinar, Alfred Joachim Fischer, Deniz Göktürk, Klaus Schwarz, Eberhard Seidel-Pielen und Dilek Zapcioglu. Hg. Von der Ausländerbeauftragten des Senats von Berlin, 1996?

Peter Hall/ Ulrich Pfeiffer: Urban 21. Der Expertenbericht zur Zukunft der Städte. DVA, Stuttgart, München 2000.

Saskia Sassen: Machtbeben. Wohin führt die Globalisierung? DVA, Stuttgart. München, 2000.

Dies: Migranten, Siedler, Flüchtlinge: Von der Massenauswanderung zur Festung Europa- Fischer, Frankfurt am Main, 3. Auflage, 2000

Die digitale Diaspora afrikanischer Religionen im Cyberspace
Hrsg. v. Kremser, Manfred, LIT - Verlag, Reihe:  Afrika und die Diaspora
Preis: DM 39.80, ISBN: 3-8258-3998-2, Erscheinungdatum: 1999

Joel Kotkin, Tribes: how race, religion, and identity determine success in the new global economy,
New York: Random 1992
dt.: Staemme der Macht: Der Erfolg weltweiter Clans in Wirtschaft und Politik, Reinbek: Rowohlt 1996